Similar words: internal controls, digital control system, numerical control system, financial control system, internal control, control system, computer control system, fire control system.
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1. Related Occupations Accountants and auditors design internal control systems and analyze financial data.
2. Continue to strengthen corporate governance, sound internal control system.
3. Internal accounting control system is a part of internal control system and also a directly influential control of the factuality and reliability of accounting record.
4. It boiled down to the deficiency of internal control system.
5. Establish and update company internal control system in achieving compliance goal.
6. TV with multi - directional internal control system , more than 30 members of the weather patrol inspections.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. China's rapid development of SMEs, the internal control system is not sound in serious condition.
8. The internal control system plays an important role in the enterprise operation.
9. Internal control system is an important part in enterprise management.
10. Afterwards, the author designs purchases and revenue internal control system for a special trade company.
11. Assess the efficiency internal control system and identify the control point.
12. The internal control system also controls the enterprise's decisions. "
13. Statement on Internal Control together with a CPA's special audit report on the internal control system.
14. The modern world is based on audit system, namely auditor to the internal control system of accounting review and appraisal, so as to develop audit plan and decided to spot the scope.
15. The commercial banks have gradually implemented asset-liability ratio management and risk management mechanism, which enhanced their internal control system.
16. It is worth researching and attention on how to help this kind of business overcome the malpractice of family corporation , to consummate internal management from the way of internal control system.
17. Audit and SupervisoryOffice conducts internal audit of the accounting books and review the internal control system and its implementation.
18. CPA to provide a special audit report on its internal control system.
19. An internal control report motivates management to improve its internal control system.
20. Internal control theory has experienced four periods: the internal check system, the internal control system, the internal control structure and the internal control integrated framework.
More similar words: internal controls, digital control system, numerical control system, financial control system, internal control, control system, computer control system, fire control system, quality control system, command and control system, traffic control system, feedback control system, adaptive control system, executive control system, automatic control system, inventory control system, distributed control system, international system, international system of units, integral control, controlled system, international monetary system, controlling system, gastrointestinal system, computer numerical control, operational control, internal-combustion, internal combustion, international code, directional control.